If you love traveling, you must have read a couple of traveling books.
Through the guidelines from the books, you must have seen various of customs and cultural practices here and there.
Travel around the world at the same time, do not forget to look back our present little world. A Journey in Accumulating Merit and Wisdom, like a travel guide to explore our body and mind, awaiting you for self-discovering.
感謝心睿法師、仙菱與翠虹幫忙校對與排序,同時感謝Crown Print Associates如期完成印刷與裝訂。但願大家善用這一本修行手冊,讓自己的福慧不斷增長,自利利人!
Many thanks to Ven. Xin Rui, Nicole Tan, Chooi Hong and Crown Print Associates, who contributed their time and effort in all aspects on publishing this self-discovering handbook. May all of us make full-use of it to accumulate the merit and wisdom for the sake of oneself and others.
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